Sins Committed Along With Divorce or Separation
Romans 7:2 and I Cor 7:39 teach “the woman … is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth.”The term “bound” simply means “put under obligation” according to Thayer.So if a woman divorces or even just separates from her husband (except for the cause of fornication Matt 19:9), she is still bound/obligated to him since he is still living.Moving to our point, following then are obligations that are violated at divorce/separation:1. Husbands commanded to love their wives - Eph 5:252. Wives commanded to love their husbands - Titus 2:43. Sexual responsibilities commanded - I Cor 7:3-54. Wives commanded to submit to and be obedient to their husbands - Eph 5:22, Titus 2:55. Husbands commanded to dwell with their wives - I Peter 3:7