Article On Evangelism by Jim Waldron

And he said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:15-16). There are currently extreme problems facing our way of life on this earth. Not one of the least of these is the threat brought about by the fact that the prime minister of Russia has ordered his military to attack the country of Ukraine. It is imperative that we pray for the safety of the people of Ukraine and especially our brothers and sisters in the churches of Christ in that country.

A far greater problem is the tremendous need of getting the blessed gospel to the whole world. Serious reflection on this responsibility of the churches of Christ is not to get the gospel to just the 41.5 million in the Ukraine, but to the 7.9 billion on the Earth.

Such reflection on the great commission, may cause a brother or sister to be staggered by what Christ expects of His disciples. Yet, there is no rhyme or reason to believe we can get around the fact that Jesus expected that His disciples’ number one goal would be snatching souls around the earth from a Devil’s hell.

The great commission does not indicate that serving Christ is for summertime soldiers or sunshine patriots. It was not given in order that a child of God might be happy just attending the services. Serious reflection on the great commission will cause a person to realize that it demands dedication. With 7.93 billion souls on earth there is a demand for a greater number to be active soul winners, knocking doors, distributing tracts, holding home Bible studies, preaching, and zealously doing the work of evangelism. More brothers need to be doing home Bible studies and since women tend to live longer than men, there is a great need to have older and younger sisters in Christ trained to do home Bible studies with other women. If there were numerous sisters in Christ trained to conduct home Bible studies with women, there would be many saved.

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Patrick Donahue