Five Views Of Mark 16:16 by E.R. Hall

Mankind is certainly ingenious when it comes to inventing different views to tip toe around what God’s word says. Mark 16:16 is one such passage.

THE METHODISTS read Mark 16:16 like this: "He that believeth not and is baptized shall be saved". One of their cardinal doctrines teaches the practice of infant baptism when the infant is way too young to know what’s going on much less to believe anything the Bible teaches concerning sin, repentance, and salvation.

THE ATHEISTS read Mark 16:16 like this: "He that believeth and is baptized shall not be saved". They do not even believe in God to Whom man is accountable for his actions. Since there is no accountability to a God, there can be no such thing as sin and definitely no need for salvation.

THE UNIVERSALISTS read Mark 16:16 like this: "He that believeth not and is baptized not shall be saved". They believe EVERY-BODY will be SAVED and NOBODY will be LOST.

THE BAPTISTS read Mark 16:16 like this: "He that believeth and is not baptized shall be saved". They believe salvation comes at the point of faith and baptism has nothing to do with saving.

JESUS said in Mark 16:16 “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved".

Now, which view are we going to take on this verse?

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Patrick Donahue