Grace Trumps Truth?

I heard a gospel preacher say in a recent sermon “Grace Trumps Truth.” His proof was a very shallow argument that the word “grace” appears before “truth” in John 1:17. His illustration was that Jesus let “grace trump truth” in his encounter with the woman caught in adultery in John 8:3-11. But I was taught Jesus couldn’t suggest enforcing Old Testament capital punishment (Lev 20:10) in that case because there were no witnesses left, and perhaps because Jesus was not a priest or judge (Deut 17:6-13). Was I taught wrong?

If the reason there was “grace trumps truth,” then why did God require the Israelites to stone a man caught picking up sticks (violating the Sabbath) in Num 15:32-36? Why didn’t God allow Ananias and Sapphira to live in Acts 5:1-11 after they told a lie? Why did God strike Uzza dead for touching the ark in I Chron 13:7-10?  Why didn’t “grace trump truth” on those three occasions?

It is most certainly true that repentance leads to forgiveness, but that is not grace trumping truth because “repentance leads to forgiveness” is at the forefront of truth (Ezek 18:21-23, Acts 2:38, 3:19, 8:22, I John 1:9, II Pet 3:9, etc.). Repentance is actually changing to conform to truth.  Truth demands repentance!

If “grace trumps truth,” does that mean we should never practice the New Testament withdrawal requirements (I Cor 5, Rom 16:17, I Tim 6:5, II Thess 3:6,14-15)? The fact is grace doesn’t trump truth, and neither does truth trump grace. They work hand in hand in God’s overall balanced plan. Grace actually teaches truth (Tit 2:11-12) and vice-versa (Eph 2:8-9).

In our dealings with others, should we let “grace trump truth”? No, James 3:17 reads “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” God has always extended grace/mercy when someone forsakes their sin (Prov 28:13b), and we should emulate Him in this regard (Luke 17:3, Eph 4:32b).

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Patrick Donahue