How Do Eph 2:8-9 And James 2:24 Not Contradict Each Other?

It has been my experience that many believers use Eph 2:8-9 as an excuse to reject obedience (like to water baptism) as necessary to salvation. Of course their misuse of Eph 2:8-9 contradicts James 2:24, but generally they ignore any passage that goes against their predetermined position. Just how does one reconcile Eph 2:8-9 with James 2:24? The former teaches we are not saved by works while the latter teaches we are saved by works. How can both passages be true? That deserves an answer …

Heb 5:9 (“he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him”) illustrates well how Eph 2:8-9 and James 2:24 don’t contradict each other. We have to obey Jesus to receive eternal salvation (that’s James 2:24 and is referring to the fact salvation is conditional), but that doesn’t make us (our obedience) the source of our salvation (that’s Eph 2:8-9 and is referring to the grounds/basis for our salvation). Bottom line: Jesus’ death is what saves us (not our obedience), but we have to obey to be saved by the death of Jesus. See the distinction?

Let’s compare salvation to Josh 6:2-5: Saying salvation is not by works (Eph 2:8-9) is parallel to saying works (walking around the walls) is not what knocked the walls of Jericho down; God did it. Saying salvation is by works (James 2:24) is parallel to saying the Israelites had to do something (walk) for those walls to fall.

Comparing salvation to II Kings 5:9-14 – Saying salvation is not by works (Eph 2:8-9) is parallel to saying works (dipping in the Jordan river) is not what cleansed Naaman of his leprosy; God did it. Saying salvation is by works (James 2:24) is parallel to saying Naaman had to do something (dip) to be cleansed by God.

Comparing salvation to Num 21:4-9 – Saying salvation is not by works (Eph 2:8-9) is parallel to saying works (looking at the bronze serpent) is not what healed the Israelites of their snake bites; God did it. Saying salvation is by works (James 2:24) is parallel to saying the Israelites had to do something (look at the bronze serpent) to be healed by God. See the distinction?

Comparing salvation to John 9:7 – Saying salvation is not by works (Eph 2:8-9) is parallel to saying works (washing in the pool of Siloam) is not what healed the blind man; Jesus did it. Saying salvation is by works (James 2:24) is parallel to saying the blind man had to do something (wash in the pool of Siloam) to be healed by Jesus . See the distinction?

For a fully treatment of this subject read this Personal Evangelism lesson –

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Shane Pack