I Thess 4:8 Says God Gives Christians His Holy Spirit

I Thessalonians 4:8 reads “He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.”

Notice in this passage the Holy Spirit himself is what is given; He is the gift. It is not a gift or power from the Holy Spirit. This confirms that in Acts 2:38, the "gift of the Holy Spirit " is the Holy Spirit himself.

Who is promised the Holy Spirit by I Thess 4:8? Those of "us" “who are not to despise man (v.8) by defrauding our brother in any matter (v.6), but instead are to show brotherly love (v.9), For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness (v.7).” In other words, all Christians!

This passage teaches all Christians are given the Holy Spirit (not just a select few – so it can’t be talking about the miraculous – I Cor 12:29-30, 13:8-13).

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Patrick Donahue