Joined Is Not The Same As Bound Or Married
In discussing the coming together of husband and wife, Jesus made the following statement in Matt 19:6 – “What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” Although a lot of writing has been done on the meaning and application of the words “married,” and “bound,” perhaps not as much writing has centered on what is involved in the word “joined” in this text. That is the purpose of this article.
Joined Is Not The Same As Bound
Just as it can be proven from Rom 7:2-3 that “married” and “bound,” though related, are not the same, it can also be proven from Rom 7:2-3 and Matt 19:6 that “joined” and “bound” are not the same. Rom 7:2-3 shows that being “bound” (obligated) to someone implies having sexual relations with someone else (even in state legalized marriage) is adultery. The only two exceptions to this are marriages contracted after the death of the original spouse (Rom 7:2-3), or after the putting away of the original spouse for fornication (Matt 19:9). God only “unbinds” (looses) a person from his or her spouse based upon one of those two scriptural events. It is impossible for a person to loose (“unbind”) himself from his spouse unscripturally. However, Matt 19:6 implies that a man can “disjoin” (put asunder) himself from his spouse unscripturally. The fact that God says not to do it, the fact that He teaches it is a sin to do it, shows it is possible for a man to do it. Since it is impossible for a man to loose God’s marriage “bound” in an unscriptural way, but it is certainly possible for a man to “put asunder” what God has “joined” in an unscriptural way, then “joined” and “bound,” though related, cannot refer to the same thing.
Joined Is Not The Same As Married
We find this same English word “joined” in I Cor 6:16 which reads “What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.” Under consideration in both passages (Matt 19:6 and I Cor 6:16) is the joining together of “two” people into “one body,” or “one flesh.” Both passages quote Gen 2:24 to make this point, so they have to be talking about the same thing. The context of I Cor 6:16 involves fornication, and does not necessarily involve marriage at all. According to this passage, two single people who commit fornication are “joined” together (but not by God) into the “one flesh” relationship. Since they can be joined without being married, “joined” and “married” do not refer to exactly the same thing.
Joined Is The Sexual Union
I Cor 6:16 makes it obvious that “joined” refers to the physical (sexual) union between two people. Similarly, the word “joined” in Matt 19:6 also refers to the physical union between man and woman. Both passages speak of the joining of two people into the “one flesh” relationship, that is, the sexual union. The only difference between the passages is that, while in I Cor 6:16 a man and woman join themselves sexually without God’s approval, in Matt 19:6, God joins a man and wife sexually by legalizing, authorizing, approving of (I Cor 7:1-2), actually requiring (I Cor 7:3-5) the sexual relationship inside scriptural marriage (Heb 13:4).
How Can Man Put Asunder What God Has Joined?
Seeing then that the joining of man and wife in Matt 19:6 is the legalizing, authorizing, approving of, and requiring of the sexual relationship, how can man violate God’s instruction, “What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder”? One way he can violate this verse is by separating from his spouse, thereby not complying with God’s commandment regarding sexual relations between husband and wife as given in I Cor 7:3-5. Some Christians teach it is permissible to maritally separate as long as there is no divorce. But separation is condemned by many Biblical requirements (passages), one being the requirement of the man and wife to maintain the sexual union as taught by I Cor 7:3-5 and Matt 19:6. Other Christians even allow divorce as long as remarriage does not follow. But again, divorce (and the physical separation that accompanies it) is condemned by God’s requirement that man and woman “join” themselves physically (sexually) when they are married.
The “joining” of man and woman upon scriptural marriage is not the same as what the word “bound” entails. Neither is it the same as what the word “married” entails. Instead, “joined” refers to the sexual union that should be maintained between husband and wife. Anything that violates this sexual union is sin; it is a transgression of God’s instruction, “What God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.”