Matt 27:46 – Jesus Was Spiritually Separated From God

If our sins were laid on Jesus (Isa 53:6c), we should expect the following:

· Isaiah 59:2a the Son was “separated” from the Father

· Hab 1:12-13 “O mighty God … Thou … canst not look on iniquity”

Matt 27:46 and Isaiah 53:6c fit hand in glove. Since sin is a spiritual idea not a physical object, the words of Isaiah 53:6c mean nothing (are just hollow words) unless there were some spiritual ramifications for Jesus.

R.L.Whiteside said it best when commenting on Matt 27:46 in his book Reflections – “Jesus died … as if he were a criminal. … God withdrew his presence from him in the hour of death. Hence, in full measure he took the place of the sinner.” (p.197)

I imagine this was the hardest thing Jesus ever had to endure, even above all the physical pain and torture He had to suffer on the cross. It’s the first and only time in history Jesus was forsaken by (spiritually separated from) his Father.

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Patrick Donahue