Nobody Will Be Lost Based Upon Doctrinal Issues Good Brethren Disagree On?

One thing that is so appalling in the religious world today is that denominational churches are not just compromising their stand on what the Bible teaches, but they are openly admitting they are not following the Bible anymore. When the Episcopal Church ordained their first gay bishop Gene Robinson, one thing Robinson said to justify such was “Just simply saying it departs from … Scripture does not necessarily make it wrong” (The Birmingham News, Aug 6, 2003). See how the Episcopal Church is admitting Scripture does not define right and wrong for them anymore? (if it ever did) About the Presbyterian Church USA, we read in Time Magazine (5-6-91) “The church should ‘re-evaluate its definition of sin to reflect the changing mores of society.’” So churches have redefined sin. Instead of sin being a transgression of God’s law (I John 3:4); sin becomes a violation of the norms of our society. True Christians are shocked by such statements.

But aren’t some Christians saying the same thing in effect? A gospel preacher in Madison, Alabama told a number of us young people in 1987 that nobody would be lost based upon what they practiced on the covering issue (I Cor 11:2-16) because “good brethren disagree on that question.” Isn’t that saying the same thing in principle as the previous quotes? Just substitute “the brotherhood” for “society” in the Time Magazine quote above. Don’t a lot of our brethren really believe the same thing, that “sin is the transgression of what our NI brotherhood as a whole believes” instead of a transgression of God’s law? Isn’t that in effect what the Madison gospel preacher was saying in 1987?

Is it okay to teach the commandments of men (Matt 15:9) as long as our society disagrees on the issue?  If not, then why would be okay to teach the commandments of men as long as our brethren disagree on the issue?  If we say it is okay with God for us to disagree on issues that brethren disagree on but not okay to disagree on issues that separate brethren from the denominations, then aren’t we showing favoritism? – James 2:9, Acts 10:34-35, I Cor 1:10.

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Patrick Donahue