Not All Congregations Have A Candlestick

Rev 2:5 reads “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.”

Do you see how this congregation (in Ephesus) was in danger of losing their candlestick? Wouldn’t that mean God would no longer recognize them as being a church belonging to Christ?

I am told that in most congregations across America, about 30% of the adult membership are living in sexual sin in the sense they are living with someone they are not married to, or are in a second or third marriage that violates Matt 19:9. And some of their “pastors” are in the same situation. And going beyond just looseness on divorce and remarriage, many of the mainline denominations are now allowing gay marriage (Rom 1:26-27).

Do you think a church like that has a candlestick (is recognized as faithful by God)? Should we be part of such a congregation that stands for nothing?

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Patrick Donahue