Offending Others With The Gospel Is Inevitable

The Feb 12, 2023 edition of the cartoon Dilbert made this statement – “The less you do … the lower your risk of offending someone.” This is very true and may explain why so few Christians are keen on doing Personal Evangelism – they are afraid of offending people. But all Christians are responsible to talk to non-Christians about the gospel (Acts 8:1,4, Matt 28:19-20) and to warn other Christians of their error (Acts 20:31). We are certainly to be kind as we go about doing such (Eph 4:32), but just know some are going to be offended no matter how you do it (John 6:61), and we can’t let that stop us from doing our duty. Not loving souls is not an option (Eph 4:15a, Prov 11:30)!

addendum by Rodney Hampton:  “Dilbert” is also making a related point that is not only found in companies but the church as well in my judgment. Just like Dilbert’s company, churches too reward those who are “skilled in the art of silence” and thus don’t offend. They reward them with praise, pay, more gospel meetings, etc. However, they criticize and ostracize those who will speak up and thus may offend. In my judgement, this underlying issue of not wanting to offend others is certainly a factor in many Christians reluctance to share the gospel with others (Pat’s point) but it also perpetuates this same issue found in churches.

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Patrick Donahue