The Purpose Of ‘Doctrine Matters’

My purpose for sending out this “Doctrine Matters” weekly email I think is perfectly described by one of my mentors Carroll Ray Sutton’s stated purpose for his 50 something years in duration paper church bulletin “The Instructor.” About such CRS wrote …

It is our intention to do what we can to instruct others by means of this periodical. It is not our desire to ‘tell someone off or to ‘offend’ anyone. We have no personal ‘axe to grind’ with anyone. Our primary interest is in knowing and teaching others the truth which is able to make us free. (See John 8:32). THE INSTRUCTOR is designed to teach aliens the way of salvation and children of God their duties and responsibilities. We will be pleading for genuine faith in God and Christ as the Son of God. We will be upholding the Scripture as being the inspired Word of God! Our lessons will be plain and pointed because of their importance. We will endeavor to be fair and kind in the presentation of truth, but we will not speak to please men, but God, who trieth our hearts. (1 Thess. 2:4-5). It is our desire to be militant against sin wherever it may exist. We will not only point out the errors of denominationalism but also the erroneous and sinful practices of many members of the Lord’s church. If you find that we are not teaching or practicing the truth, we earnestly urge you to call it to our attention and point out by the Scriptures wherein we err. You will be our friend by so doing.

The purpose of The Instructor has not changed since its beginning. We are still striving to reach the same goals. Our attitude has not changed. It is still the same as expressed in that initial issue. We have endeavored to speak the truth plainly. We do not want anyone to misunderstand what we are saying, whether they agree with it or not. With the apostle Paul we say: “Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech.” (2 Cor. 3: 12).

It has been our intention from the beginning to teach all the counsel of God as we have had time and opportunity to do so. Our preaching and teaching through this and other media has been patterned after the teaching and preaching of Jesus and the apostles in that it has been presented both positively and negatively. In spite of what many learned, well-meaning brethren think, the Master Teacher and His apostles gave us an example that we should follow. Some of the teaching of Jesus on the mount in Matthew 5-7 is negative. For example, read Mt. 5:33-375:38-426:1-216:246:2531347: 16). Of course, much of it is positive. For some negative as well as positive teaching by the apostles read their epistles. NOTE: If we would simply ”preach the word” and preach “all the counsel of God” as it is revealed in the Scriptures, we would not have to be too concerned about whether it is positive or negative. (Cf. 2 Tim. 4:2Acts 20:26-27). Let us never forget the charge to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” and to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Cf. 2 Tim. 4:2Jude 3).

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Patrick Donahue