Three Cases Where God Does Not Forgive A Person Even If He Repents

Passages like Acts 3:19 and I John 1:9 teach that as a general rule, if a person repents of a sin, God forgives him of that sin (based upon the blood of Christ – Rev 1:5). But there are at least three exceptions to this rule …

First, it doesn’t matter how much a non-Christian repents of his sins, if he is never baptized “for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38), he will never be forgiven for all those sins he has repented of.

Second, even a Christian will not be forgiven of a sin, even if he repents of that particular sin, if he is not willing to forgive others of their sins against him (Matt 6:14-15, Luke 17:3, Matt 5:7).

And third, nobody can be forgiven of the “blasphemy against the Holy Ghost” (Matt 12:31-32) no matter how much they repent of committing it – it is the unpardonable sin.

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