To Select A Bible Teacher Because He Is A Good Speaker Has The Wrong Emphasis

Almost without fail I hear the “he is a good speaker” reason for selecting which man to teach during church services. But that is not a sound Biblical reason for such. Just the opposite: Paul was one of the greatest gospel preachers of all time, but he was “unskilled in speaking” (II Cor 11:6a ESV), and he “came not with excellency of speech” (I Cor 2:1).

No, what makes a great gospel preacher is (among other things):

· He matches what he preaches with a good moral life Rom 2:3, Matt 23:3.

· He proves what he teaches with scriptures Acts 9:22, 18:28.

· He warns his audience about their false beliefs and practices instead of limiting his teaching to what they already agree with Acts 20:26-27,31, Ezek 3:18. It is always easier to preach about those who are not there than to have to tell those who are actually present they need to change their belief and/or practice on an issue.

· He defends publicly what he preaches 19:8-10, 15:2,7, Acts 17:17. How many today are still willing to do that?

· He is diligent in personal evangelism Acts 20:20, 28:30-31. He shouldn’t be preaching to the church if he doesn’t really love souls Prov 11:30b, II Cor 5:11. Paul made opportunities to teach the lost Acts 13:5; he didn’t always just wait for the lost to come to him.

Luke 6:26 reads “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.” So preachers the brethren think highly of (simply because they are good speakers) are not necessarily the ones God thinks highly of.

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Patrick Donahue