Your Evangelism Measures Your Faith by Carey Scott (adapted)

Christians like to talk about evangelism. They might brag about evangelistic efforts of the past. They are really happy if their local preacher talks about evangelism, or if he actually goes out and evangelizes. The Christians want to encourage other Christians to evangelize. And this is all well and good to talk about it.

Frankly, we should be tired and weary of the talk without action. We get tired of our politicians making promises; why should we not get tired of Christians talking about evangelism, but not doing anything about it?

It is something that is commanded of God. Jesus gave His disciples the command to go into all the world and teach all nations (Matthew 28:19). Jesus told His disciples what to teach: the gospel (Mark 16:15). His disciples took the message to the world, and taught others to do the same (2 Timothy 2:2). Persecution arose, and Christians were scattered everywhere, yet they carried the gospel with them. The Scripture says that they went everywhere preaching the word (Acts 8:4).

It seems most of the time that members of the church expect others to evangelize and they say they are ready to offer support. Most Christians know the importance of evangelism, and they expect their preacher to evangelize others. They go to church and sing songs about evangelism. They listen to the preacher talk about evangelism, and might even give him a pat on the back for his words. They want other members to evangelize, but they never do any evangelism on their own.

Why is that? I would suggest that they do not evangelize because they do not believe the message of the Cross They have very little faith or no faith to build upon.

The gospel we preach today is no different than it was in the first century. Those in that day were so excited about the gospel; they were willing to die for what they believed. Is there any indication that Christians today would do the same? Probably very few!

Praise God that there are a few souls who believe in the saving power of the Gospel enough to share it with others. Folks, this is the right thing to do, and if you do not evangelize others, you will be guilty of sin. James 4:17 reads: "He that knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin".

The responsibility to evangelize is placed upon every Christian, young or old, rich or poor. Each one needs to examine everything to see if they are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). If you are not evangelizing, you demonstrate that you have little or no faith.

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Patrick Donahue