As Plain As The Nose On Your Face

How do we explain why many gospel preachers don’t preach a number of truths that are “as plain as the nose on your face” in the New Testament? Do they not preach these truths because they don’t believe them? Or is it more that they don’t believe such truths because they are not allowed to preach them by church leadership? Or perhaps they do believe the truth, but refuse to preach such because they don’t want to “cause trouble.” What does II Tim 4:3 say is the answer to that question?

For example when the truth on fasting is taught, many respond by saying fasting was only when someone got so busy spiritually they just forgot to eat. We reply that many times in the Old Testament, fasts were “proclaimed” (for example, II Chron 20:2-3, Ezra 8:21, Jer 36:9, I Kings 21:9,12, Jonah 3:5), and how can you proclaim ahead of time that you are going to forget to do something? Did the church just collectively forget in Acts 13:2 and 14:23? But some stick with their view even though it is “as plain as the nose on your face” it is false. Their response is obviously just an excuse to hold onto what they already practice.

And fasting is just one of a number of such examples. Anybody who can’t see something is rotten in Denmark is just not willing to admit the Emperor has no clothes on. Why do so many feel like it is their mission to always explain away the plain meaning of passages? What do they hope to gain?

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Patrick Donahue