I Tim 2:9-10 Applies Everywhere But 11-12 Applies Only In Church?

I was studying with a young lady and her aunt by phone recently (Sept 10), and she asked a question about modest dress. We had discussed I Tim 2:9-10 and what it taught about ladies wearing bikinis (on the beach) in a previous study. Her question now was “Modest dress only applies at church, right?”

Her question reminded me of the inconsistent way many gospel preachers deal with I Timothy chapter 2. They of course agree with my response last night that verses 9-10 apply “every where” just like verse 8 says, but for some reason they conclude verses 11-12 only apply in church type settings.

They are in the horns of a dilemma. They know verses 9-10 and modest dress doesn’t just apply in church, and they might get in trouble with their conservative audiences if they taught otherwise. But if they teach verses 11-12 and woman’s subjection to men similarly doesn’t just apply in church, that would mean women couldn’t hold a secular job as a boss over men, couldn’t teach a high school mathematics class (for example), perhaps shouldn’t even vote in political elections. Think how many gospel preachers might get fired for standing for and preaching that truth!

What rule of hermeneutics could possibly say verses 9-10 applies everywhere but verses 11-12 apply only in church? This is just another example of gospel preachers only paying lip service to the rule that context determines the meaning of a passage. The context of 11-12 (the whole chapter) screams for its universal application. If you are not already convinced the context shows verses 11-12 applies even to secular activities, message me and I will send eleven context facts that prove conclusively such is true.

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Patrick Donahue