False Arguments Made For The Truth That Christians Must Worship On The First Day Of The Week

For sure “Christians are no longer required to keep the Law of Moses” (Heb 7:12, Gal 3:24-25), and we should worship on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7, I Cor 16:1-2). The Sabbath law is no longer binding (Col 2:14-17, etc.).

But the Bible never says (teaches) the following three statements (by Sean Cavender, Grow Magazine, Oct 2021) …

The ‘Lord’s Day’ (Revelation 1:10)” is “the first day of the week” – The Bible does not tell us when the Lord’s Day is. We don’t even know that it was a weekly occurrence.

The primary REASON the first day of the week became the day on which local churches assembled to worship and observe the Lord’s Supper was because it was the day the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead” – God never gives that as a reason, and one could just as strongly argue we must worship on Friday because it was the day the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified.

A … REASON the first day of the week became the day of worship was that the apostles first proclaimed the gospel on the first day of the week, and the church was established on that day” – Those two facts are true but the Bible never says either of the two facts is why we worship on the first day.

Actually the reason for first day worship is because God wanted it that way and so He thus instructed.

When a Christian really knows he can conclusively establish a point of truth from the Bible, he doesn’t feel the need to make unsubstantial/speculative arguments for that truth.  Regarding such type arguments my good friend and brother Carroll Sutton used to say something like “that may be so, that may not be so; the bible doesn’t really tell us one way or the other.”  In the late 1980s a preacher told me we had to keep the 7th day Sabbath today because there were 7 churches written to in Rev 2-3.  My point?:  Whenever we make an argument based upon what may or may not be coincidence, we are making an unsound argument.

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Patrick Donahue