Is I Cor 6:9 Only Condemning The Abuse Of Homosexuality?

Since I Corinthians 6:9 in the KJV reads “abusers of themselves with mankind,” gay church preachers reason that only the abuse of homosexuality is wrong; but that so called legitimate homosexual relations are proper and right.

By this logic, someone could reason that Lev 18:23 (“Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith “) only condemns a “defiling” bestiality, but that “legitimate” bestiality relations (sex with an animal) are proper and right.

No, just like Lev 18:23 is saying whenever a man lies with a beast he defiles himself:

• I Tim 1:10 (“defile themselves with mankind”) is saying that whenever a man lies with another man (sexually) he defiles himself with mankind

• I Cor 6:9 is saying that whenever a man lies with another man he abuses himself with mankind

Actually both phrases, “abusers of themselves with mankind” in I Cor 6:9 and “defile themselves with mankind” in I Tim 1:10, come from one Greek word (arsenokoites) defined as:

· one who lies with a male as with a female, a sodomite (Thayer)

· a male homosexual, pederast, sodomite (Arndt and Gingrich)

Conclusion: The Bible condemns homosexuality – of every shape and form.

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Patrick Donahue