Since Jesus Was God, Does That Mean He Couldn’t Have Sinned?

This argument overlooks the dual nature of Jesus. Yes, Jesus was God, but He was also man (fully), and being a man opened up Jesus to doing many things that God (in spirit form only) cannot or does not do.

To quickly show the fallacy of the opposing argumentation, notice James 1:13 says "God cannot be tempted with evil," while Hebrews 4:15 clearly says Jesus "was … tempted like as we are." How can both verses be true if Jesus is God? The answer lies in the dual nature of Jesus. The divine, preexisting part of Jesus could not have been tempted / sinned, but the human part of Jesus was tempted and susceptible to sin.

Jesus is such a good example for us (I Pet 2:21-22). He could have sinned, but he didn’t (Matt 4:1-11).

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Patrick Donahue