Judgment In Four + Areas

God’s book teaches we will be judged in at least four areas – Doctrine (II John 9, Matt 15:9, I Tim 4:16), Morality (Gal 5:19-21, I Cor 6:9-11, Rev 21:8), Personal Evangelism (Acts 8:1,4, Matt 28:19-20, II Cor 5:11), and Helping Others (Matt 25:31-46, James 1:26, Gal 6:10). Just because we are sound doctrinally and morally doesn’t give us a pass on either of the other two. And just because we are active in charity work or evangelism, that doesn’t give us a pass on doctrine or morality. Christians have to be diligent in all four areas to receive a favorable judgment on the last day (II Cor 5:10, Rev 20:11-15, Acts 17:31).

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Patrick Donahue