I Peter 4:11

It is best by far to teach our Bible prospects using a vocabulary they are used to and understand best (Acts 2:1-11). I Pet 4:11 has nothing to do with requiring us to limit our scriptural teaching to the terminology of the KJV or any other translation of the Bible. Instead the verse would forbid these kinds of things:

– teaching any false doctrine John 8:32

– asserting what Bible figures represent (like such and such represents Antiochus Epiphanes or Mikhail Gorbachev) when the oracles of God don’t tell us what those figures represent

– asserting certain things are Bible types (like Joseph is a type of Christ) if the oracles of God do not say or imply such

– asserting “the Lord’s day” (Rev 1:10) is the first day of the week when the oracles of God never state such; it doesn’t even tell us it is a weekly event

Patrick Donahue