Obey God And Leave All The Consequences To Him

Charles Stanley hit the nail on the head when he closed his programs with “obey God and leave all the consequences to him.” (Matt 21:23-27). Let’s apply his mantra to:

· Matt 5:39 and turning the other cheek. Jesus doesn’t narrow down the reason you’re being struck, so this text applies to any time one is struck no matter what the reason.

· Mark 16:16 and water baptism being necessary to salvation. What if someone intends to get baptized but never gets around to it? Mark 16:16 or any other passage is not affected by hypotheticals (Matt 22:23-33).

· Gal 5:4 showing Christians can fall from grace. Unfortunately Mr. Stanley wouldn’t consistently apply his mantra to these last two subjects.

· Acts 8:22 proving a Christian must repent of any and all sin to be forgiven of it Again, hypotheticals don’t change truth (John 17:17b).

· I Cor 7:10 and staying married to a “froward” spouse (I Pet 2:18,3:1). Jesus only allows divorce “for fornication” (Matt 5:32, I Cor 7:10).

· II Thess 3:6 and withdrawing from even family members. We must never show favoritism (James 2:1-9).

· Acts 20:20,26-27,31 and preaching on subjects that are taboo because the brotherhood deems them controversial. We must not fall into the “II Tim 4:3 preaching what they want to hear” trap.

Speaking to God, Jer 32:17 says “there is nothing too hard for thee.” Understanding that is perhaps how Abraham willingly obeyed God’s order to sacrifice his son even though God had told Abraham he would have many descendants through Isaac. He must have reasoned “nothing is too hard” for God (Heb 11:17-19). That’s the attitude we need to have at every juncture. When God’s word tells us to believe or do something, we should believe and “obey God and leave all the consequences to him.”

hear Bible Crossfire Sunday nights at 8:00 central on SiriusXM radio Family Talk 131 or at http://www.BibleCrossfire.com

Patrick Donahue