What If It Were Your Last Day by Jody Lusk (adapted)

Obviously, none of us knows when our last day on earth will be. But, if you could know and you knew that today was your last day …

– Would you finally submit to God? – John 12:26

– Would you finally kick that sinful habit? – I Cor 6:12

– Would you finally make amends with someone who has wronged you or that you have wronged? – Matt 18:15-17, 5:23-24

– Would you finally forgive someone who has hurt you? – Matt 6:14-15

– Would you finally tell your neighbor about Jesus? – Acts 8:4

– Would you finally take God’s word seriously? – Heb 4:12

– Would you finally stop making excuses for your bad attitude? – Luke 14:18

– Would you finally be a friend to those who annoy you the most? – Rom 12:20

– Would you finally stop complaining over your lot in life or what you don’t have? – Phil 4:11

– Would you call those you love and tell them? – I John 3:11

– Would you put away your pride and finally acknowledge that it is God who is in control? – Rom 8:28

– Would you lend an ear to those who are fainthearted and hurting? – Eph 4:32

– Would you be generous to those in need? – Gal 6:10

In short, would you finally make Jesus the center of your life around which everything else revolves (Matt 6:33)? Would you put Him above your wife, children, parents, friends, and earthly goals (Matt 10:37)? Would He be more important than money, job, hobbies, even your own life (Matt 16:25)? If today was your last day every “T” would be crossed, every “I” dotted, and no stone left unturned. Guess what? Today could be your last day (James 4:14)! Death is no respecter of persons, not of age, not of race, not or whether you’re rich or poor, male or female. Death doesn’t care if you have good genetics, a healthy body, and a good diet. Remember this, friends: Today is a gift and not a given! All the things listed above are things we should be doing every day. Let us procrastinate no longer, but make it our purpose in life to be busy with the Lord’s things (Gal 2:20).

“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” Matt 16:26

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Patrick Donahue