Two Men Can’t Agree On Religion by Bill Hall

Two men are religious, and both seem to be sincere, but they never seem to agree on religious questions. A brief look at their applications of the Bible help to explain their problem.

The first man views the Bible as the complete and final answer to all religious questions pertaining to salvation. For him a clear statement from the Bible ends all controversy. His simple approach is well stated by a bumper sticker we have seen: “God said it; I believe it; that settles it.” In fact, he would agree that God’s word “settles it” whether he believes it or not.

The second man relies on several sources for his religious beliefs. He believes the Bible and many of his convictions are based on what the Bible says. But he also is convinced that he has been “led” into certain beliefs by the Lord. Some of those beliefs he could not defend by the Bible, and in fact some of them seem to contradict the Bible, but he is sure that they are true, for the Lord would not have so “led” him had they not been true. One man frankly said to this writer, “I read the Bible, but I mostly just depend on the Spirit to lead me in what I believe.” He has also had his beliefs verified by knowledgeable preachers, who might not be right in everything, but would hardly be wrong on any serious question of truth.

The first man reads the Bible seeking for answers from God. The second man reads the Bible for the same reason, but his perception is affectedly what he has been “led to believe.” He has difficulty being objective, and, in fact, he might hold to what he has been “led to believe” ahead of plain teaching of scripture. He frankly finds his likeness in the man of Colossians 2:18,19 who takes his stand on visions he has seenand is not holding fast to the head (NASV). His religious practices may be different from the man described in Colossians, but his approach to authority in religion is the same.

We do not hesitate to side with the first man in his approach. God indeed “leads” us into truth, but He does so through His inspired word. Consider the following passages: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).Sanctify them by Your truth, Your word is truth (John 17:17). All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16,17).

The two men of our article will come to remarkable agreement when they both approach the scriptures as the final word from God, but not until then. Religious differences are not the product of scripture. But of varying attitudes toward what constitutes final authority in religion. True unity is desirable, and it can be enjoyed by those who humbly submit to God’s word and will.

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Patrick Donahue